dakota digital gauges c10 create a virtual dashboard for your vehicle using the completely redesigned AutoMeter DashLink II app. Easy dakota digital gauges c10 plug and play installation makes for the fastest performance gauge installation available.
- Display – Feature the gauges you want, where you want them on your favorite iOS or Android device
- Data Log – Record and playback log files showing OBD-II and acceleration data
- Peak Recall – Help keep your eyes on the road or track by using the built-in recall to view the maximum values at your convenience
- Skid Pad – Show lateral and accel/braking G’s with min/max indicators
- Rainbow Track Map – Visualize your location, acceleration and braking as you drive laps around the track. Compare different laps to see how acceleration and braking changed from lap to lap
- Inclinometer – Monitor the pitch and roll of your vehicle for off-road use
- Support for OBD-II diagnostics – Read and clear diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs)
- Averages – Determine average fuel consumption, average vehicle speed, average boost pressure, or any other parameter monitored
New Features:
- Automatic data-logging when certain conditions are met (pedal position >50%, MAP above 60 kPa, etc.)
- GPS track mapping with line coloration by user selectable PID (instantaneous MPG, HP/torque, pedal position, etc.)
- Alarms/alerts with sound when user set conditions are met
- Link to Facebook to post result
Performance and Drivetrain:
- Engine Speed
- Vehicle Speed
- Estimated HP and Torque
- Engine Coolant Temp
- Manifold Absolute Pressure
- Lambda/Wideband (AFR)
- Fuel Pressure
- Ignition Timing
- Intake Air Temp
- Ambient Air Temp
- Mass Airflow
- Fuel Trim – Short and Long Term
- Engine Load
- Catalyst Temp
- 0-60 MPH
- 1/8 & 1/4 Mile Times
- Accelerometer (Pitch, Roll, Forward, and Lateral)
Fuel Economy:
- Instant Fuel Economy
- Average Fuel Economy
- Distance Traveled
- Distance/Time to Empty
- Fuel Level
- Distance Travelled
- Fuel Consumed
- Elapsed Drive Time
- Average CO2 Emission Rate
- Total CO2 Emission
- Number of Fill-Ups
- Average Fuel Flow
- Average Speed
- Idle time
- Read and Clear Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Monitor Readiness Status
- Loop Status
- O2 Sensor Voltage
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